Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WebSphere Portal Traces

Traces to troubleshoot URL mapping context after virtual portal creation:


Traces to debug xmlaccess:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sybase EA Server 5.3 Provisioning / Hostname change

Following steps will help to save time from doing complete Sybase EA Server 5.3 installation from scratch if you already have a server configured. The steps will also help with hostname changes.

1. Copy the entire D:\Program Files\Sybase from existing server to new server.
2. Update the hostname in the following files
D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\bin\setenv.bat
D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\Repository\Server\Jaguar.props or your server props
D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\SysMgmt\boot.xml
D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\SysMgmt\eas.xml
3. Change com.sybase.jaguar.repository.id value to blank in D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\Repository\Repository\id.props
4. Reinstall the windows service.

WebSphere Portal 6.1 Virtual Portal Creation

The below steps were validated in RHEL 5 64 bit environment

1. Export the configuration using xmlaccess from the existing virtual portal

./xmlaccess.sh -user wpsadmin -password {password} -url http://existingvp.test.com:10040/wps/config -in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/doc/xml-samples/Export.xml -out /home/wasadmin/newvp-export.xml

2. Create an empty virtual portal
Edit /opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties with the following values:
VirtualPortalTitle=Virtual Portal Cloning
VirtualPortalContext={leave it empty}
VirtualPortalNlsFile={leave it empty}
VirtualPortalObjectId={leave it empty}

Run /opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/ConfigEngine.sh create-virtual-portal

3. Import the configuration using xmlaccess to new virtual portal
./xmlaccess.sh -user wpsadmin -password {password} -url http://newvp.test.com:10040/wps/config -in /home/wasadmin/newvp-export.xml -out /home/wasadmin/newvp-import-results.xml

1) Manually edit the exported xml file for any changes.
2) If the update portlet fails for your custom portlets because of this message.

com.ibm.wps.command.xml.XmlCommandException: EJPXA0043E: An error occurred while creating or updating the resource. [url-mapping-context ....
com.ibm.wps.command.mappingurl.MappingURLCommandException: EJPEC0622E: A resource of a virtual portal can only be mapped to a context of the same virtual portal.

make the following change.

url-mapping-context action="update"
url-mapping-context action="locate"

3) Find and change existingvp.test.com to newvp.test.com in the exported xml file