Friday, December 28, 2012

Editing MQ qm.ini on iSeries

- Login to AS400 Session
- From the terminal, type command
- press f4
- Type \QMGR\UserData\mqm\qmgrs\QMGR.STG.BRMS-name\qm.ini and Enter
- Page down key to see the file contents
- Type I (character i) after which you want to insert a line
- Press f3 to save and exit

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nexus password reset

Lost Nexus password?

1) SSH into Nexus server

2) Edit sonatype-work/nexus/conf/security.xml.
Change the password to
Restart Nexus
The password will now be set to admin123

Nexus LDAP Integration

LDAP integration (Active Directory)

1)  Login into admin console -> Administration -> Server -> Security Settings
Security should be ON
Move all the Realms from Available Realms to Selected Realms and make sure OSS LDAP Authentication Realm is on the top of the list

Selected Realms
OSS LDAP Authentication Realm
Xml Authenticating Realm
Xml Authorizing Realm

Save the changes

2)  Navigate to Security -> LDAP configuration
Protocol: ldap
Hostname: ldap server name or ip address
Port: 3268 or 389
Search Base: DC=mydomain,DC=com
Authentication Method: Simple Authentication
Username: Specify full DN of ldap bind ID
e.g. CN=myldapbindid,OU=My Service Accounts,OU=something,DC=mydomain,DC=com
Password: ldap-bind-id-password

Check Authentication to validate the connection

User Element Mapping.

Base DN: OU=something1, OU=something2
User Subtree: unchecked
Object Class: user

User ID Attribute: sAMAccountName
Real Name Attribute: displayname
E-Mail Attribute: mail

In my case, the users authenticating are under OU=something1, OU=something2,DC=mydomain,DC=com ldap group i.e., CN=ldapuser+Base DN+Search Base.

Group Element Mapping: Unchecked

Save the settings and check user mapping. If the values are correct, a subset of ldap records will be displayed at the bottom of the same screen.

3) Assigning Users
Navigate to Security -> Users -> Choose LDAP from dropdown -> Type ldapuserid in the search field.

The user should be successfully retrieved from your ldap.
Role management -> Add -> Nexus Administrator
Choose your desired role.

4) Login with your LDAP account and validate.

Nexus Sonatype install

1) Install java-se-7

2) Download Nexus from

3) Extract nexus-2.0.6-bundle.tar.gz to server location e.g. /opt

4) Start/Stop nexus commands
       /apps/maven/nexus-2.0.6/bin/nexus start
       /apps/maven/nexus-2.0.6/bin/nexus stop

5) Access nexus console
        user: admin
        password: admin123